R&D Center
With an endless tenacity for the best customer satisfaction, we will achieve our goal as a worldwide company for auto part manufacturing
Crash Analysis
Bumper Beam Crash Analysis
Checks the crash performance of the bumper beam during RCAR front collisions.
Cargo Securing
Checks seat strength to ensure that cargo does not injure passengers in the event of a front collision.
Door Frame Strength Analysis
Verifies the strength and rigidity of door frames and door beams during side collisions.
Seatbelt Anchorage
Assesses the strength and rigidity of seatbelts during vehicle collisions and rapid decelerations.
Testing Equipment
Front Bumper Towing/Shipping Tester
Cowl Cross Bar Rotational Durability Tester
Testing Videos
Door Beam Test
Bumper Beam RCAR Crash Test
Cowl Cross Bar Rotational Durability Test
Bumper Beam Towing/Shipping Test
Cargo Securing Test
Seatbelt Anchorage Test